skemmons2001: Ridgway State Park - July 6, '16
skemmons2001: P1080149
skemmons2001: Our site in the park
skemmons2001: Our site in the park
skemmons2001: Al's picture of our China-blue Colorado sky from our camp site
skemmons2001: Al's picture of our China-blue Colorado sky from our camp site
skemmons2001: The Uncompahgre River
skemmons2001: Shavano fishing pond and the Uncompahgre Rive
skemmons2001: Shavano fishing pond and the Uncompahgre River
skemmons2001: Highway 550 from the state park into Ridgway, CO (through the windshield) - July 5
skemmons2001: Highway 550 from the state park into Ridgway, CO - July 5