skemmons2001: Tile mural on the wall by the courthouse in downtown Leadville, Colorado
skemmons2001: P1070700
skemmons2001: P1070703
skemmons2001: P1070704
skemmons2001: P1070705
skemmons2001: P1070706
skemmons2001: P1070692
skemmons2001: P1070693
skemmons2001: P1070694
skemmons2001: P1070695
skemmons2001: P1070696
skemmons2001: P1070722
skemmons2001: Al and Cody at the mural wall in Leadville
skemmons2001: P1070711
skemmons2001: P1070701
skemmons2001: P1070702
skemmons2001: P1070710
skemmons2001: P1070715
skemmons2001: P1070716
skemmons2001: P1070718
skemmons2001: P1070721
skemmons2001: P1070723
skemmons2001: Leadille, looking down the street from the courthouse to the mountains
skemmons2001: Cody waiting for me to come back to the car
skemmons2001: Turquoise Reservoir from the dam
skemmons2001: From the dam at Turquoise, looking back the other way
skemmons2001: P1070741
skemmons2001: Leaving Leadville - the view through a very buggy windshield
skemmons2001: Through the windshield
skemmons2001: On highway 24 south out of Leadville - from the moving car