Skeintily Clad: let the Poorly Planned Adventure begin
Skeintily Clad: the little fruity nihilist goes camping
Skeintily Clad: the rock is not your tent.
Skeintily Clad: life is hard
Skeintily Clad: i set up the tent
Skeintily Clad: we didn't bring cards or games
Skeintily Clad: luckily, the tent was up BEFORE the rain started
Skeintily Clad: a camping tableau
Skeintily Clad: we debate the merits of 'log cabin' vs 'teepee' fire structure
Skeintily Clad: contemplating the walk of shame
Skeintily Clad: the only spare paper in my car
Skeintily Clad: as if everyone would know exactly what i was talking about
Skeintily Clad: it puts the melty cheese on the blanket
Skeintily Clad: a-wa a-wa
Skeintily Clad: Queer Eye for the Campsite
Skeintily Clad: a Portrait of Pluck
Skeintily Clad: so long, Shifty-Five!