Skeintily Clad: Lena in orange glow
Skeintily Clad: meat assumes the position
Skeintily Clad: Lena assumes the position
Skeintily Clad: two salads
Skeintily Clad: the spread
Skeintily Clad: too, too cute
Skeintily Clad: Darius mans his station
Skeintily Clad: no photos please
Skeintily Clad: aww, pouty Vince
Skeintily Clad: Dhar and Oleg
Skeintily Clad: its on the tip of my tongue
Skeintily Clad: Danny relaxes a bit
Skeintily Clad: Jeff's grilled shrimp
Skeintily Clad: she swears she only eyeing the shrimp
Skeintily Clad: shrimp peeling smorgasbord
Skeintily Clad: The Birthday Girls
Skeintily Clad: this is where it starts to go downhill
Skeintily Clad: Polina and Xin
Skeintily Clad: Three cakes, three birthdays!
Skeintily Clad: some party babes
Skeintily Clad: the party's not over 'til someone is a potato sack
Skeintily Clad: arrival of the cakes