skaw: Hiking the first 2 miles of Chilkoot Pass, crazy history here.
skaw: Shondi and I on a hike
skaw: At the zoo!
skaw: The train was super fun
skaw: Our conductor
skaw: ATTACK
skaw: Hello gorgeous :)
skaw: I caught Arli eyeing an older gentleman on the train. Ugh.
skaw: Dinner on a train!
skaw: Always be posing
skaw: Napsack
skaw: Found a mermaid
skaw: Climbing around
skaw: The whole fam
skaw: She sees me
skaw: YES!
skaw: Cold glacial river!
skaw: We built a fort by the river
skaw: Off to bust some hooligans
skaw: Serious business
skaw: We got to see McKinley!
skaw: Sled dog pups!
skaw: Mush!
skaw: Dash talking with a real live sled dog
skaw: Lots of playing by the many rivers this trip :)
skaw: Such a sweety
skaw: Chilling over the river on a log
skaw: The kids loved crossing this log with me
skaw: :)
skaw: Preparing another rock to be thrown in the river