skaw: It's a boy!!
skaw: big scary OR
skaw: about ready to go under the knife
skaw: first photo of dashel maxwell nickell
skaw: shondi w/ dashel
skaw: 5lb 5oz !
skaw: strong grip already
skaw: getting all hooked up :-/
skaw: cutest foot ever
skaw: shondi gets to hold dashel again
skaw: fully hooked up
skaw: getting some breathing help
skaw: new robot glow feet
skaw: watching over dash
skaw: i could let dash hold my finger for hours
skaw: hopefully this is the most medical equipment we will ever see hooked up to our child
skaw: god DAMN shondi's looking good 3 days after a c-section o_O
skaw: love seeing dash's eyes open
skaw: woo hoo!!! off the oxygen, looking great!
skaw: so great to see the little dude's face ! !! !
skaw: after his first real feeding. a whole new world!
skaw: already making some amazing faces
skaw: shondi sooo happy to hold dash
skaw: camera shy :)
skaw: cuties
skaw: visiting dash
skaw: at peace
skaw: can't believe this!
skaw: the original
skaw: relaxin