skaw: charlie's new look
skaw: charlie & jeffrey perfecting the new facial hair
skaw: "you have arrived at your destination"
skaw: sun's going down....
skaw: night is near
skaw: the sun takes a break
skaw: another long stretch
skaw: found some cactus
skaw: awesome desert mountain
skaw: sweet old pick up truck ridin' next to us
skaw: damn left lane drivers
skaw: craggly
skaw: gotta love all the semi trailer billboards
skaw: it was amazing how many vacant run down buildings there are in the desert
skaw: old rusty waterpark
skaw: all the tumbleweeds accumulate here
skaw: crazy desert bus/car scrap yard
skaw: crazy desert bus/car scrap yard
skaw: rodeo!
skaw: home
skaw: jeffrey had it pegged at 100 for an hour straight o_O!
skaw: desert
skaw: charlie gets his heating bill worked out
skaw: we got sidetracked tooling around in the desert
skaw: charlie waters the plants
skaw: california hills!
skaw: holy PVC madness
skaw: lots of road to cover
skaw: geez
skaw: lots of these between SF and Vegas