skaw: Detail of LCD Arm
skaw: Detail of LCD Arm
skaw: Detail of LCD Arm
skaw: keyboard
skaw: I got some art in my office
skaw: My View into Jeffrey's Office
skaw: My monitors can fly!
skaw: This is my new office!
skaw: My view into Jacob's office
skaw: door into my office
skaw: Craig shooting me god damnit
skaw: From the left!
skaw: My whiteboard!
skaw: Behind me
skaw: my desk from the right!
skaw: desktop background
skaw: my new office
skaw: shondi @ my desk
skaw: Camera phone 405
skaw: The work area from another angle
skaw: Racks o' Threadless Shirts
skaw: More Racks of Shirts!
skaw: Zee Bathrooms
skaw: Pool table, TV, Kitchen
skaw: More Threadless tee shelves
skaw: Fulfillment area
skaw: Desks & Such
skaw: The Jakes' Office
skaw: Junk
skaw: Coffee