Gringo Rojo: A Boat Named Penelope
Gringo Rojo: Are Any of Those Houses For Sale?
Gringo Rojo: Luuuuuuke
Gringo Rojo: Follow the Leader
Gringo Rojo: Luke Happy
Gringo Rojo: Doris Happy
Gringo Rojo: Turtle
Gringo Rojo: Brian and Turtle
Gringo Rojo: Renee and Turtle
Gringo Rojo: Team Florida and Turtle
Gringo Rojo: One More of the Florida Kids
Gringo Rojo: Taking Photo of Me
Gringo Rojo: Taking photos while shoulder heals
Gringo Rojo: Break Time
Gringo Rojo: Under The Bridge
Gringo Rojo: Through the Bridge Columns
Gringo Rojo: Under the Bridge
Gringo Rojo: The Whole Group
Gringo Rojo: Running / Walking Trail
Gringo Rojo: Luke and Brian
Gringo Rojo: Teamwork
Gringo Rojo: Jon and Renee
Gringo Rojo: Jon and Renee