swapnil.21: BW portrait , Natural Light.
swapnil.21: BW Portrait with BlackBerry
swapnil.21: Niagara Falls-20120729-00107
swapnil.21: Portrait - My mother.
swapnil.21: Me+Mom
swapnil.21: Natural light portrait.
swapnil.21: BellyDance
swapnil.21: Gaurav-portrait-small
swapnil.21: Metro Station...
swapnil.21: Shooting Kids
swapnil.21: Self-portrait
swapnil.21: swapnil_Flash (1 of 1)-10
swapnil.21: Vaishnavi
swapnil.21: Vaishavi
swapnil.21: Vaishanvi1
swapnil.21: DSC_9916
swapnil.21: DSC_0106
swapnil.21: Image
swapnil.21: Dwij_resize
swapnil.21: Brothers