jskaare: Modular Lego Bar
jskaare: Rear of the bar
jskaare: The facade
jskaare: Modular Lego Bar
jskaare: Street-level view of Bar One
jskaare: First floor layout - bar
jskaare: Overview of the bar
jskaare: Do you have any ID?
jskaare: Trying to hail the bartender and get a drink
jskaare: Patrons at the bar
jskaare: Bathroom under the stairs
jskaare: Second floor layout - pool table and dartboard
jskaare: What's a bar without darts?
jskaare: Getting ready for a game
jskaare: Third floor layout - small concert venue
jskaare: Rocking it
jskaare: Not much room for the audience
jskaare: Looking down at the band
jskaare: The roof
jskaare: Modular Lego Bar
jskaare: The rear of my three latest works
jskaare: My bar alongside the recently-redone bookstore/office/house combo build