jskaare: My scene/collection of tan military elements
jskaare: Another angle
jskaare: A close-up of an M1-A2 and a Bradley
jskaare: One of two M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks
jskaare: Another view of the tank
jskaare: The other M1A1
jskaare: The back of the tank
jskaare: Rear hatch open
jskaare: Close-in on a Brickmania.com Bradley Fighting Vehicle
jskaare: The Bradley and the second M1A1
jskaare: Looking back from another angle
jskaare: And another angle
jskaare: A command vehicle
jskaare: Another angle
jskaare: From the back
jskaare: A sniper and spotter on look-out
jskaare: Two towed pieces equipment
jskaare: Mobile anti-air emplacement
jskaare: From the other side
jskaare: How it looks being towed
jskaare: Another angle
jskaare: Close-up on the hitch
jskaare: Dish is stowed...
jskaare: ...as is the cord
jskaare: Mobile drone launcher
jskaare: Another angle
jskaare: The drone from above
jskaare: And underneath
jskaare: How the drone looks being towed
jskaare: Close-in on the hitch