shutterdown24: tail lights of evacuation traffic
shutterdown24: headlights of evacuation traffic
shutterdown24: waves in the condo pool
shutterdown24: waves in the condo pool
shutterdown24: waves in the condo pool
shutterdown24: waves in the condo pool
shutterdown24: waves in the condo pool
shutterdown24: Derek, standing in the hurricane winds
shutterdown24: Derek, standing in the hurricane winds
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: Hurricane Gustav command post
shutterdown24: Hurricane Gustav command post
shutterdown24: Hurricane Gustav command post
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf
shutterdown24: waves in the gulf