shutterdown24: parking for MINI's
shutterdown24: parking for MINI's
shutterdown24: Glenn's arrival
shutterdown24: Glenn's arrival
shutterdown24: MINI Chance & Rosie
shutterdown24: MINI Chance
shutterdown24: Mel, Glenn, & the MINI's
shutterdown24: Glenn & his best friend
shutterdown24: Jackson Square
shutterdown24: St. Louis Cathedral
shutterdown24: Jackson Square
shutterdown24: really tall bike
shutterdown24: tall Glenn next to the tall bike
shutterdown24: tall bike next to the tall SUV
shutterdown24: N'awlins sign (French Quarter)
shutterdown24: Jax Brewery
shutterdown24: street cars (French Quarter)
shutterdown24: MINI Chance at night
shutterdown24: MINI's through the window
shutterdown24: Lakefront during Hurricane Dennis (Kenner)
shutterdown24: Glenn & Melanie (Joe's Crab Shack)
shutterdown24: City Park
shutterdown24: City Park
shutterdown24: Glenn (City Park)
shutterdown24: gambling
shutterdown24: the chips are stacked
shutterdown24: Melanie won.
shutterdown24: Glenn did not.