scot2342: Rancheria Creek
scot2342: Dat campfire
scot2342: Making firework paintings
scot2342: Huntington Lake
scot2342: Major & Grace
scot2342: Brianne getting some sun
scot2342: Grace, Josh, & Andrew
scot2342: Grace the Explorer
scot2342: Andrew: aka Superman/Batman
scot2342: "Wanna play?"
scot2342: Jen & Ann
scot2342: Corn… lots of corn
scot2342: The Sandbox
scot2342: Grace with Uncle Joe & Aunt Jen
scot2342: Living the high life
scot2342: Finding shade where we could
scot2342: Josh & Andrew hanging out
scot2342: Ribs…mmmmm
scot2342: Dinner time!
scot2342: New friends
scot2342: Grace, Anthony, & Caden
scot2342: Uncle Warren & Caden
scot2342: Anthony "Beastie" Taylor & Michelle
scot2342: Caden playing in dirt
scot2342: Grace & Caden warm up after a swim
scot2342: Grace Willis
scot2342: Climbing the mountains