scot2342: Fly the friendly skies
scot2342: SFO
scot2342: Ryan says "I reject the premise"
scot2342: Visitors Center
scot2342: Visitors Center
scot2342: Independence Hall
scot2342: Independence Hall
scot2342: Sentry Station
scot2342: Molding Close-up
scot2342: Independence Hall Park
scot2342: Lamp Close-up
scot2342: Independence Hall
scot2342: American Flag
scot2342: Signings of the Declaration of Independence
scot2342: Independence Hall Plaque
scot2342: Court House
scot2342: Arch Way
scot2342: Independence Hall
scot2342: Table
scot2342: Washington and Bell Center
scot2342: Independence Hall
scot2342: Railings
scot2342: Railings wide-angle
scot2342: Washington Statue
scot2342: Washington and Independence Hall
scot2342: Congressional Hall
scot2342: Ryan sez "fuhgehtabutit"
scot2342: LIberty Bell Center
scot2342: Liberty Bell and Independence Hall
scot2342: Liberty Bell