John and Sherry: Getting Every Hair in Place
John and Sherry: Black Swirl
John and Sherry: Gimme That Treat!
John and Sherry: Big Smile, Big Hair
John and Sherry: Say What?
John and Sherry: Your Foot, Please
John and Sherry: Now Don't Move
John and Sherry: Move That Leg
John and Sherry: Sterling Silver
John and Sherry: Here I Come!
John and Sherry: Strutting
John and Sherry: Hemi and Dad
John and Sherry: Parti Spectator 1
John and Sherry: Parti Spectator 2
John and Sherry: Parti Spectator 3
John and Sherry: Sherry to the Rescue
John and Sherry: Earth To Stompy
John and Sherry: Ready To Go
John and Sherry: Down The Runner
John and Sherry: Look At Me!
John and Sherry: All Stacked
John and Sherry: Moving Out
John and Sherry: Pearly Whites
John and Sherry: Move that foot just a little more
John and Sherry: Happy Boy
John and Sherry: Seriously Brown
John and Sherry: Regal Black
John and Sherry: What's Over There?