sjmcdonough: Theodora and Attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: Apse Mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: EPSN3502lr
sjmcdonough: San Vitale, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: Ceiling Mosaic, Arian Baptistry, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: EPSN3967bw
sjmcdonough: Detail of Galla Placidia Mosaic Pattern
sjmcdonough: Oratory of Galla Placidia
sjmcdonough: Justinian and Retinue, San Vitale, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: Justinian and Attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: IMG_2097
sjmcdonough: L1004009apbw
sjmcdonough: L1003814bw
sjmcdonough: SDIM3066lr
sjmcdonough: L1002434lr
sjmcdonough: EPSN3507lr
sjmcdonough: Apse Mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna
sjmcdonough: The Chick You're Talking To...
sjmcdonough: SDIM1625spp
sjmcdonough: EPSN5824ap
sjmcdonough: L1003122apbw
sjmcdonough: SDIM1229spp
sjmcdonough: L1005607bw
sjmcdonough: L1008166bw
sjmcdonough: SDIM0990spp
sjmcdonough: SDIM0610spp
sjmcdonough: L1000477lr
sjmcdonough: L1004339lr
sjmcdonough: SDIM2554lr
sjmcdonough: L1000707lr