simonm: Queuing for the punts
simonm: Our flotilla
simonm: Milling around the mill pond
simonm: Under the first bridge
simonm: Assorted backs
simonm: Christine attacks
simonm: Nicky hides
simonm: Ian punts
simonm: Stuart looks surprised
simonm: Jamie chills
simonm: Ben punts
simonm: Ducks
simonm: Matt snoozes
simonm: Punts that pass in the afternoon
simonm: Steve punts
simonm: Solo duck
simonm: Al punts (with grim determination)
simonm: Jamie and Nicky
simonm: Adam punts in a skiing stance
simonm: More watery attacks
simonm: Everyone has a laugh
simonm: Jamie punts (happy)
simonm: Jamie punts (thoughtful)
simonm: Al has a beer
simonm: Loads of people in punts
simonm: Richard punts
simonm: Another duck
simonm: Mark, Michael and Clara get laid back
simonm: Matt punts
simonm: Disembarkation