Susanne J.L.: Is that a hop, skip or jump?
Susanne J.L.: Nibbling vole
Susanne J.L.: Tawny owlet
Susanne J.L.: Not quite synchronised!
Susanne J.L.: In ascending order...
Susanne J.L.: Preaching otter!
Susanne J.L.: Fallow Deer close-up
Susanne J.L.: Bambi legs!
Susanne J.L.: Chase me
Susanne J.L.: Dusty Blue Butterfly
Susanne J.L.: Watching me, watching you
Susanne J.L.: Hanging around
Susanne J.L.: Butterfly
Susanne J.L.: Hung out to dry
Susanne J.L.: Butterfly
Susanne J.L.: Aerodynamic
Susanne J.L.: Have a banana