sjcowell66: Fly on a rose
sjcowell66: Red Bug on a lily bud
sjcowell66: Hungry Bee
sjcowell66: Dragonfly on a dead flower
sjcowell66: Butterfly on White Buddleia
sjcowell66: Bug on blossom
sjcowell66: Fly on a flower
sjcowell66: Fly on a leaf
sjcowell66: Fly on a leaf
sjcowell66: Yellow flower & a friend
sjcowell66: Spider
sjcowell66: Inside the butterfly house in New Forest Wildlife Park
sjcowell66: Inside the butterfly house at New Forest Wildlife Park
sjcowell66: Inside the butterfly house in New Forest Wildlife Park
sjcowell66: Butterfly on Lilac
sjcowell66: My Sunflowers are blooming
sjcowell66: Bee at Lordington Lavender
sjcowell66: Butterfly at Lordington Lavender
sjcowell66: Raindrops & Bugs on Rose
sjcowell66: Burst of yellow for you
sjcowell66: Upside down Bee.
sjcowell66: Ladybird. Playing around with my new iPod touch in garden, happy with how this came out
sjcowell66: Fly basking in yesterday's sunshine.
sjcowell66: Spiders Web. Spotted this when I was out this morning.
sjcowell66: Spider! Not one of my favourite insects, but it was basking in the sun waiting for his tea!
sjcowell66: Bee on cosmos.
sjcowell66: Ant on Sunflower. Some of my sunflowers have bloomed, like this little ant on it.
sjcowell66: Spider
sjcowell66: Bee collecting pollen