sjcowell66: Latte & Scone with Cream & Strawberry Jam. Took my parents out to a garden centre today, had to stop for a treat! Yummy.
sjcowell66: Bacon Butty & Americano before we tackled Primark!
sjcowell66: Club Sandwich. Had the most delicious club sandwich today with my friend for her birthday treat.
sjcowell66: Happy Pancake Day. Just enjoyed mine with Golden Syrup, yummy!
sjcowell66: Baking Day! Such a gloomy day Emily & I did some baking - Jam Turnovers, Cheese & Bacon Puffs, Chocolate Marble Cupcakes with a chocolate filling topped with chocolate buttercream and Chocolate Chip Cookies! Hope you're feeling hungry :)
sjcowell66: Cream Tea. My friend and I went out for a cream tea today. These pics are of us with our feast 😃
sjcowell66: Lunch in Littlehampton. Burger & Fries, yummy :)
sjcowell66: This is for the lovely Jainbow we had to copy her and go for lunch in a cafe in Old Portsmouth called The Spinnaker Cafe. She posted a pic of her lunch and for my birthday treat yesterday I had to have the same lunch. I just love the afternoon tea theme.
sjcowell66: Me yesterday with mine & Richards lunch in The Spinnaker Cafe for my birthday treat. Was very yummy :)
sjcowell66: Happy Pancake Day! How do you like yours? Me, I like golden syrup on mine! Yummy :)
sjcowell66: Richard with his Birthday Latte & Chocolate Twist in Debenhams in Worthing, was very nice :)
sjcowell66: Had to stop for a Latte & Bakewell Tart in Littlehampton
sjcowell66: Marzipan Fruit & Marshmallows in Fortnum & Mason, London
sjcowell66: Glacé fruit in Fortnum & Mason, London
sjcowell66: Popped to Buckingham Palace today, here's our treat from the Cafe! (needed a mortgage to pay for it!)
sjcowell66: Had a delicious burger in Deans Diner at Whitely yesterday :)
sjcowell66: Been out to a lovely village fete & brought some homemade Strawberry & Champagne Jam. So had to by some scones & cream to go with it! Yummy ☺
sjcowell66: Cream Tea
sjcowell66: Mothers Day
sjcowell66: Hot Cross Buns
sjcowell66: Breakfast
sjcowell66: Brighton
sjcowell66: Harrods
sjcowell66: Harrods
sjcowell66: Harrods
sjcowell66: Harrods
sjcowell66: Sunday morning brekkie
sjcowell66: Cake Time
sjcowell66: Breakfast
sjcowell66: Weymouth Holiday