sjcowell66: Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire.
sjcowell66: Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire.
sjcowell66: Shugborough House. Visited this National Trust House today in Staffordshire.
sjcowell66: Shugborough House interior. Beautiful house was owned my The Earl of Lichfield, Lord Snowdon.
sjcowell66: Shugborough House. Me & Em in the gardens.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. Spent a lovely day there today, so many different regiments and organisations commemorated here. This is for the Parachute Regiment.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. This is such a wonderful place to remember those that gave their lives in battle.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. Had a wonderful visit today to the memorial gardens today. This one is for the Naval Society.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. This is the memorial for all who have died in service since World War 2, very moving, it has all their names engraved on.
sjcowell66: Barton Marina, Staffordshire. Gorgeous Marina where Canal Boats moored up.
sjcowell66: Ice Cream at Barton Marina. Honeycomb flavour, yummy
sjcowell66: Lichfield Cathedral. A few pics of our little break to Staffordshire. I'll share a few over the next few days. This sculpture of a horses head was outside the cathedral.
sjcowell66: Inside Lichfield Cathedral. It reminds me very much of our Cathedral in Chichester.
sjcowell66: Inside Lichfield Cathedral.
sjcowell66: Inside Lichfield Cathedral. Always have to light candles in Cathedrals or Churches to remember our loved ones.
sjcowell66: Tudor a House in Lichfield. This is one of the oldest buildings in Lichfield, it's a tea room. We didn't go in.
sjcowell66: Emily standing in Speakers Corner in Lichfield. I believe it's used for open speaking on a Saturday.
sjcowell66: The Guildhall in Lichfield.
sjcowell66: Beacon Park in Lichfield.
sjcowell66: Inside Shugborough Hall. Inside this beautiful national trust house.
sjcowell66: Inside Shugborough Hall. One of the corridors of this beautiful national trust house.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. Few pics from here. It's got over 300 memorials of different regiments, Army, Navy and Airforce. Also memorials for public service sector and charity organisations. Truly a moving place.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. This is the memorial for those that lost their lives in Basra. It was dismantled there and rebuilt at the arboretum.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. This memorial is for all the men who where shot at dawn. Each post has the name of each man and their age. Some were only 20.
sjcowell66: National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire. This memorial is for the Royal Air Force.
sjcowell66: Happy Selfie Sunday. This was from our few days away to Staffordshire, we were in Samuel Johnstons house in Lichfield. Couldn't resist a mirror selfie!