St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (1) - Reception of Class of 1921 In to the Alumnae Association of St. Joseph's College for Women Brooklyn, N.Y. Hotel Commodore
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (2) - No Title [Commencement?]
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (3) - Parent-Daughter Communion Breakfast
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (4) - Committee - Junior Promenade Class of 1934
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (4) - Committee - Junior Promenade Class of 1934
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (5) - Junior promenade Class of 1933
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (6) - Junior Promenade Class of 1934
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (7) - No title (Luncheon circa late 1950s?)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (8) - Junior Class Dinner Class of 1943 Hotel Victoria
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (9) - Parent-Daughter Communion Breakfast St. Joseph's College for Women, Brooklyn N.Y.
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (10) - Junior Prom
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (11) - Reception of Class of 1924 St. Joseph's College Alumnae, Brooklyn N.Y. Commodore
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (12) - Annual Luncheon Alumni Association of St. John's (?) College - Hotel Commodore
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (13) - JR. Prom - Class of '43
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Formal and Informal Events 1921-1958 : Over sized photographs (14) - Senior Ball