St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (01) - Nuala McGann and Florence Scaduto (1958)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (02) - (l. - r.) Carol Ann McVey, Margaret Carol Hudson, Suzanne Trinneer and Joanne Bradley (1959)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (03) - Gail Leonard, Bishop McEntegart and Roberta Silvestri (1960)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (04) - Rosemarie McGrath receives diploma from Bishop McEntegart while Sister Vincent Therese and speaker, Arthur Levitt look on (1963)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (05) - (l. - r.) Marie Gumieney, Catherine Sciacca, Deidre Carlin and Helen Craig (1963)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (06) - (seated l. - r.) Sister Antonella, Sister Vincent Therese, Bishop McEntegart, Dr.Elsie Carrillo (alumna and speaker of the day), Joan Sirica (graduate), Mother Immaculata Maria; (standing l. - r.) Lillian Disken, D
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (07) - (l. - r.) Kathleen M. Nocella, Bishop McEntegart and Joan Hinde (1965)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (08) - Commencement speaker
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (09) - (l. - r.) Dorothy Bauccio, Ellen McLean MacRorie,and Janice Maffei (1970)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (10) - (l. - r.) Emilia Longobardo, Florence Scaduto, and Monica Mangan (1958)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (11) - Bishop Mulrooney congratulates second niece Kathleen McDermott to follow in mother's footsteps as graduates of the college (1961)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (12) - Sister George Aquin O'Connor with the President of CW Post College of LIU
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (13) - Graduates in procession
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (14) - Graduates standing at their seats at commencement (1963)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (15) - Msgr. Welch giving the Baccalaureate sermon (1964)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (16) - Msgr. Welch giving the Baccalaureate sermon (1964)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (17) - Josephine Scotto, mother alumna and family (1964)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (18) - (l. - r.) Mary Engelskirger ('56), Mrs. Engelskirger, Joan Reardon ('56), Mrs. Eleanor Dolan Reardon ('26), Catherine Ahders ('56) and Mrs. Eugenie Cormier Ahders ('28) (1956)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (19) - Bishop MCEntegart and Bishop Mulrooney at graduation ceremony; on left, Dr. Francis Kilcoyne, President of Brooklyn College; standing, Dr. Mary Huschle, chair of Social Sciences Dept.
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (20) - Bishop McEntegart awards diploma to a graduate, Msgr. William Dillon at extreme right and Dr. Mary Huschle is standing (1958)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (21) - Sister Vincent Therese Tuohy with Bishop Bryan McEntegart, Msgr. Hoar in the rear
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (22) - Procession at graduation
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (23) - Bishop McEntegart at the podium; Msgr. Frances Fitzgibbon, former Dean, on stage
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (24) - Graduates line up for ceremony
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (25) - Graduate receiving diploma
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (26) - View of the ceremony from the audience
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (27) - Sister Vincent Therese, Bishop McEntegart and Arthur Levitt, NY State Comptroller, speaker at Graduation (1963)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (28) - Arthur Levitt, NY State Comptroller speaking at the ceremony (1963)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (29) - Sister M. Fidelis MSBT with Florence McArdle ('60), Woodrow Wilson Scholarship winner (1960)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Graduation Pictures, 1958 - 1970 (30) - Bishop McEntegart with Florence McArdle (l.), Jean Schutter (c.) and Elizabeth Trust (r.) (1960)