St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (1) - Man in front of paintings
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (2) - Group of people discussing paintings (1958)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (3) - Gallery shot of the art symposium (1958)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (4) - Students looking at an abstract piece
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (5) - Student holds a crucifix sculpture
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (6) - Father John Hession; Parent's Day Philosophy exhibit of art and books
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (7) - Sister Joan de Lourdes; Parent's Day Colonial exhibit of art and objects (1959)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Exhibits at the College (8) - North American Indian Exhibit (Sister Nancy Gilchriest on right)