St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (01) - Sister Dorothy Watson (1960s)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (02) - Christmas Party (l. - r.) Lucy Torres, Sandy Weiss, Agnes Montero, Marianne Fahey, and Sister Mary Winifred (1985)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (04) - Sister Mary Winifred at a conference luncheon
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (05) - Sister Mary Winifred with Sister St. Brigid Lambe
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (06) - Sister Marie Secour
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (07) - Sister Raymond Augustine with students
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (08) - Sister St. Brigid
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (09) - Sister St. Brigid outside
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (10) - Sister Mary Winifred at the National Convention of the Catholic Library Association (1960)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (11) - Sister Mary Winifred portrait
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (12) - Sister Mary Winifred in the library
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (13) - Sister Mary Winifred at card catalog in Lorenzo Hall Library
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (14) - Sister Mary Winifred with Sister Catherine Frederic OSF and unidentified clergy
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (15) - Sister Mary Winifred with alumna Frances Kurdziel (1964)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (16) - Sister St. Maurice Ball
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (17) - Sister Mary Winifred and Frances Kurdziel (1963)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (18) - Sister St. Maurice Ball (1960s)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (19) - Sister Marie Labre
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (20) - Sister Raymond Augustine with students
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (21) - Sister Agnes, Reference Librarian (1976)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (22) - Sister George Aquin, Cynthia Dorosh, and Dorothy Dorosh at art exhibit on third floor of library (1976)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (23) - Marianne Di Sarno, Catalog Librarian, admires Bishop McDonnell's coat of arms (1976)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (24) - (l. to r.) Mr. O'Brien, Sister Mary Winifred, Reverand William Grass, Sister Mary Lauvina, Reverand Aloysius Grass, Mrs. Mahoney (1974)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (25) - Caroline Bouton and Sister Mary Winifred (1974)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (26) - Sister Mary Winifred, Caroline Bouton, Sister Marie Secour (1974)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (27) - Caroline Bouton and Sister Mary Winifred (1974)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (28) - Sister Marie Secour with grandson of Maria Clarke McManus, one of SJC's first graduates (1976)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (29) - Caroline Bouton, Sister S. Brigid, Sister Mary Winifred (1974)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Library Staff (30) - (l. - r.) Marianne Fahey, Sister Mary Winifred Grass, Mary Louise Jenty, Agnes Montero, Dorothy Dorosh (1983)