St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (01) - Josephine Belloso
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (02) - Dr. Serra-Badue (1964)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (03) - Rev. Gennaro D'Ecclesiis, PhD (1968)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (04) - Rev. Joseph Roff, Composer in Residence (1968)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (05) - Josephine Belloso with class (1968)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (06) - Rev. Gennaro D'Ecclesiis lecturing
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (07) - Rev. Gennaro D'Ecclesiis
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (08) - Dr. Serra-Badue, Spanish - Art (r.) with Mr. Hurley, Philosophy (l.) (1964)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (09) - Reverand Roff, Music Department (1968)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (10) - Series of photos showing the progress of a sculpture by Josephine Belloso (1963)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (11) - Series of photos showing the progress of a sculpture by Josephine Belloso
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (12) - Series of photos showing the progress of a sculpture by Josephine Belloso
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (13) - Series of photos showing the progress of a sculpture by Josephine Belloso (1970)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (14) - Series of photos showing the progress of a sculpture by Josephine Belloso (1969)
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (15) - Series of photos showing the progress of a sculpture by Josephine Belloso
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (16) - Finished sculpture by Josephine Belloso
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (17) - Group picture with Josephine Belloso, MA
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (18) - Group picture with Josephine Belloso, MA
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (19) - Father Joseph Roff, Music
St. Joseph's University New York McEntegart Archiv: Fine Arts Faculty (20) - Josephine Belloso