sjbmuse: Me too!
sjbmuse: Love
sjbmuse: Plumes
sjbmuse: ...probably the best 'Pride' in the World
sjbmuse: I'm on the phone!
sjbmuse: How to look longingly at sheepdogs without having a tantrum.
sjbmuse: How much is that doggy in the window? Ali gets his way (with Gordon not the stallholder)!
sjbmuse: Look mate, this isn't a charity, we can't just go giving sheepdogs away...
sjbmuse: Young love
sjbmuse: Another red dress
sjbmuse: Hats
sjbmuse: Gladiator
sjbmuse: Boots
sjbmuse: Braces
sjbmuse: Silver and blue
sjbmuse: Cool
sjbmuse: BMXer
sjbmuse: On the prom.
sjbmuse: Skateboarder
sjbmuse: Spare tyre
sjbmuse: Tangoed!
sjbmuse: Pink stetsons
sjbmuse: Legs eleven
sjbmuse: Watching and waiting
sjbmuse: Bummer
sjbmuse: All the fun of the fair
sjbmuse: Parading
sjbmuse: Feet
sjbmuse: Jamie