sjbenton: Mathew poses with BIT
sjbenton: Richard perfroms some much-needed brain surgery
sjbenton: Ready to leave
sjbenton: Changing cranes
sjbenton: Figurehead/handle
sjbenton: Leaving the highbay
sjbenton: More changing cranes
sjbenton: Joe on top
sjbenton: Looking on
sjbenton: Installing fake solar panels
sjbenton: Final balance check
sjbenton: Finished
sjbenton: Group photo!
sjbenton: On the move
sjbenton: BIT wrangler
sjbenton: The crane
sjbenton: Hanging out
sjbenton: Checking on pre-launch power connection
sjbenton: BT, ready to fly
sjbenton: The professors
sjbenton: Photo op: Richard
sjbenton: Photo op: Javier
sjbenton: Photo op: John
sjbenton: Del, our CSBF engineer
sjbenton: On the move again
sjbenton: Heading to the pad
sjbenton: The pad
sjbenton: Later. Waiting.
sjbenton: Sad return
sjbenton: Back outside the highbay