sjbenton: McMurdo, while ascending
sjbenton: Natalie ascends to the half-way point
sjbenton: Anne too
sjbenton: Break time
sjbenton: Up to the peak, in line
sjbenton: And more scattered
sjbenton: Lorenzo finishes
sjbenton: And poses with the cross
sjbenton: Bill reaches the peak
sjbenton: And promptly dodges my camera
sjbenton: Nat takes a break
sjbenton: Panorama of the view from on top
sjbenton: Anne recovers enough to enjoy the sights
sjbenton: Bill hangs out, watching Mt Erebus
sjbenton: A little quiet time
sjbenton: Nat poses
sjbenton: My turn
sjbenton: Preparing for descent
sjbenton: Preferred method: butt-sliding
sjbenton: Nat's turn
sjbenton: And Lorenzo
sjbenton: Bill is too dignified for butt-sliding