sjbenton: No dogs in the lab
sjbenton: Why can't I do science too?
sjbenton: Colourful beetle
sjbenton: Colourful underside
sjbenton: Ed loads the BB pistol
sjbenton: Becky
sjbenton: Ed takes aim
sjbenton: The target: stuff on a pylon
sjbenton: Becky and the pistol
sjbenton: Boresight star camera
sjbenton: Natalie and her star camera desk
sjbenton: Don and his detector data desk
sjbenton: Sunset watchers
sjbenton: Sunset
sjbenton: Sunset watchers at sunset
sjbenton: Data display
sjbenton: Fireworks
sjbenton: Helium fill
sjbenton: Anne handles the fill tube
sjbenton: Ed removes Theo's fill line cap
sjbenton: Nitrogen fall
sjbenton: Waveplate motor control box
sjbenton: Natalie's first gas fill