V'ron: Picture 15
V'ron: Oh, goddess of the theatre, deliver me from people who miss their cue
V'ron: Showing little respect for the current batter at the plate
V'ron: Thank you for coming
V'ron: a NON-snapping turtle. Sammy's still a bit suspcious
V'ron: gift opening
V'ron: Picture 3
V'ron: Picture 3-2
V'ron: Stella Pulleying herself
V'ron: IMG_1842.jpg
V'ron: IMG_1844.jpg
V'ron: Build a Bear Madness II
V'ron: IMG_4646.jpg
V'ron: IMG_4657.jpg
V'ron: IMG_4726.jpg
V'ron: We Watch Our Children Sing With Our Wonder
V'ron: IMG_7545
V'ron: IMG_7560
V'ron: IMG_7581
V'ron: IMG_8294
V'ron: IMG_8307
V'ron: IMG_8308
V'ron: IMG_8309
V'ron: Our Children Are Beautiful Especially When They Sing
V'ron: Saying the girl Scout Promise
V'ron: Saying the Girl Scout Law
V'ron: DSC_0006
V'ron: DSC_0163
V'ron: DSC_0067
V'ron: DSC_0073