V'ron: at a bike trail entrance
V'ron: south tip of the county by the power plant
V'ron: you dn't have to go far for good kitsch
V'ron: you dn't have to go far for good kitsch
V'ron: you dn't have to go far for good kitsch
V'ron: you dn't have to go far for good kitsch
V'ron: I love this stubborn tree that just won't die….
V'ron: fog on the way to work
V'ron: more fog, in whitnall park
V'ron: new bike trail!
V'ron: new bike trail -- kk river trail
V'ron: Achtung! Bier!
V'ron: New arboretum!
V'ron: old mattresses
V'ron: it's like this tree had its own tokonoma….
V'ron: it's starting to turn
V'ron: Oh no! Is this tree dying?
V'ron: View this large. Read the history. Way cool cemetary
V'ron: 20131006_093009
V'ron: overgrown cemetary
V'ron: 20131006_093429
V'ron: 20131006_093458
V'ron: 20131006_093538
V'ron: autumn on the bike trail
V'ron: shot_1379960710084
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V'ron: VMR_0125
V'ron: VMR_0126
V'ron: VMR_0133
V'ron: VMR_0134