V'ron: Sunday is a Day of Rest
V'ron: So cold, the river sweats in the sun
V'ron: Big Ticket Item
V'ron: AIDS is killing the vampires of Europe
V'ron: Forest Home Series
V'ron: pregame hoopla
V'ron: jazzercize
V'ron: Squad 6
V'ron: Ersan, Fan, TV
V'ron: Ersan, Vron, Stella and, apparently, Bono
V'ron: Milwaukee City Hall
V'ron: gothy City Hall
V'ron: The Brewery in the Blizzard
V'ron: Driving home from work in the "blizzard"
V'ron: Stella takes to the ice after the hockey game
V'ron: IMG_0677
V'ron: Sammy on the hockey rink
V'ron: Stella and Sam meet Roscoe
V'ron: "Mom, I'm going to get out of the box hockey style!"
V'ron: IMG_0691
V'ron: IMG_0691
V'ron: last fart of winter
V'ron: DSC_0055
V'ron: the class sings
V'ron: the sammy smile
V'ron: focus
V'ron: percussionist posing
V'ron: I know this wasn't in focus but
V'ron: DSC_0114
V'ron: DSC_0115