V'ron: self described band nerd on cool bari sax
V'ron: dave boylard, testifying the poetry blues
V'ron: DSC_0743
V'ron: DSC_0744
V'ron: DSC_0745
V'ron: Stoney cuts 'em down to size
V'ron: DSC_0768
V'ron: DSC_0771
V'ron: DSC_0774
V'ron: DSC_0781
V'ron: DSC_0782
V'ron: DSC_0790
V'ron: DSC_0791
V'ron: DSC_0793
V'ron: DSC_0794
V'ron: DSC_0804
V'ron: DSC_0806
V'ron: DSC_0810
V'ron: Fight Suit's Guitar Pedals
V'ron: fight suit's spastically emotive lead singer
V'ron: DSC_0351