V'ron: DSC_0003
V'ron: DSC_0010
V'ron: Note "G" on Hat
V'ron: hiding rock licks behind a drum kit
V'ron: DSC_0034
V'ron: DSC_0039
V'ron: DSC_0044
V'ron: DSC_0053
V'ron: Boiled Dinner Ecstasy
V'ron: That's some kind of boiled dinner
V'ron: DSC_0090
V'ron: Self Portrait in McBob's Women's restroom
V'ron: DSC_0105
V'ron: DSC_0108
V'ron: Roni Allwaise does Irish blues
V'ron: My Dinner with McBob
V'ron: Your doorman, usually
V'ron: DSC_0131
V'ron: mylz of ailez
V'ron: DSC_0143
V'ron: cotter prays to the saints
V'ron: DSC_0152
V'ron: DSC_0157
V'ron: DSC_0163
V'ron: Cigarelllo ecstasy
V'ron: Bob bleeds for his art
V'ron: assembling for group soh
V'ron: group shot