V'ron: south
V'ron: southwest
V'ron: ssw
V'ron: west
V'ron: wnw
V'ron: northwest
V'ron: north
V'ron: northwest
V'ron: south. Well, I'm facing south. north is behind me. really.
V'ron: ghostly executive meeting
V'ron: north by reflected northwest
V'ron: northeast
V'ron: east with marble table reflecting me
V'ron: northeast
V'ron: my cube, the morning of my last day
V'ron: ready for the wall of fame
V'ron: the last staff meeting
V'ron: me at the last staff meeting, way in the back
V'ron: my cake
V'ron: close up of cake
V'ron: cleaning out the mailbox
V'ron: user vrusnak logging off domain FOLEY one last time