V'ron: DSC_0045
V'ron: wer'e trying to figure out why this was shrouded
V'ron: self portrait in VFW Post restroom
V'ron: Your bartender and Joey this evening
V'ron: first brave coule to hit the floor
V'ron: first brave keyboardist to hit the tunes
V'ron: Doug Yule?
V'ron: DSC_0053
V'ron: Pink Ladies w/ Elvis
V'ron: DSC_0060
V'ron: this is how I see Shurilla
V'ron: DSC_0066
V'ron: DSC_0067
V'ron: DSC_0069
V'ron: massive pull-off
V'ron: the animal
V'ron: DSC_0088
V'ron: DSC_0094
V'ron: DSC_0096
V'ron: DSC_0101
V'ron: DSC_0107
V'ron: DSC_0115
V'ron: DSC_0116
V'ron: DSC_0118
V'ron: DSC_0123
V'ron: maracas!
V'ron: DSC_0132
V'ron: izzat so?
V'ron: and you and you and you and you
V'ron: all american