sixthofdecember: our hotel mascot
sixthofdecember: waver bird
sixthofdecember: waver bird building a nest
sixthofdecember: another weaver bird
sixthofdecember: building nests
sixthofdecember: napping?
sixthofdecember: elmina castle from afar
sixthofdecember: elmina castle
sixthofdecember: view from elmina castle
sixthofdecember: elmina castle
sixthofdecember: panoramic view from elmina castle
sixthofdecember: elmina castle inner courtyard
sixthofdecember: the govenor's balcony
sixthofdecember: a slave cell in elmina castle
sixthofdecember: dark aisle towards the light
sixthofdecember: panoramic view over elmina city
sixthofdecember: death cell
sixthofdecember: where the slaves were auctioned
sixthofdecember: the castle moat
sixthofdecember: so beautiful, yet so horrible
sixthofdecember: boats in elmina
sixthofdecember: view over the gulf of guinea
sixthofdecember: elmina castle inner courtyard
sixthofdecember: elmina and fort conraadsburg
sixthofdecember: cannons and palm trees
sixthofdecember: through the looking glass
sixthofdecember: stairway to nowhere
sixthofdecember: elmina castle
sixthofdecember: playing basketball with a coconut
sixthofdecember: atlantic ocean