joyandrews: down the stairs
joyandrews: view from the dumpster
joyandrews: past victrola
joyandrews: and the hopvine
joyandrews: hopvine
joyandrews: kingfish
joyandrews: kingfish
joyandrews: reading material
joyandrews: studies
joyandrews: the studies themselves
joyandrews: study some more
joyandrews: on the way home
joyandrews: so happy to be alive
joyandrews: taking photos
joyandrews: brrrr...
joyandrews: one last photo
joyandrews: can you see the snow through the screen?
joyandrews: walking again to fuel
joyandrews: on the walk
joyandrews: footprints
joyandrews: SNOW!
joyandrews: i'm always surprised to see snow on ferns
joyandrews: almost to fuel
joyandrews: snowy
joyandrews: outside fuel
joyandrews: honey bucket, space needle and snow