16 Miles of String: Elaine Cameron-Weir, 100 (steel), 2011
16 Miles of String: Elaine Cameron-Weir, 100 (steel), 2011
16 Miles of String: Rochelle Goldberg, Flatlander, in space, vertical, 2011
16 Miles of String: Lukas Geronimas, Untitled, 2011, and Rochelle Goldberg, Flatlander, in space, vertical, 2011
16 Miles of String: Ben Schumacher, 217 251 Chrome, 2011
16 Miles of String: Ben Schumacher, 217 251 Chrome, 2011
16 Miles of String: Aaron Aujla, Divine Pleasure, 2011, and Aaron Aujla, Vermont Cream, 2011
16 Miles of String: Lukas Geronimas, Subtitled, 2011, and Lukas Geronimas, Subtitled, 2011
16 Miles of String: Rochelle Goldberg, Exit Through the Inside, 2011, and Robin Cameron, Dancing while drawing, 2011