16 Miles of String:
Lucio Fontana, Vaso con fiori, 1938
16 Miles of String:
Installation view of "Flowers for Summer"
16 Miles of String:
Francis Picabia, Papion, ca. 1936-38
16 Miles of String:
A.R. Penck, Pfingstrosen, 1974; Eugène Leroy, Ides de mars-iris, 1992; Francis Picabia, Papion, ca. 1936-38; Félix Vallotton, "Le châle blanc", 1911
16 Miles of String:
Kurt Schwitters, Chrysanthemum, 1946; Sigmar Polke, Farbprobe (Color Study), 1986
16 Miles of String:
Installation view of "Flowers for Summer"; foreground: Aaron Curry , Greenegalbwrry, 2011
16 Miles of String:
Per Kirkeby, Energy, 1969; Thomas Houseago, Flower/Plant Panel I, 2011
16 Miles of String:
Left to right, top to bottom: Fernand Léger, Décoration bleue, 1941; Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, "Wine Glass", 1927-29; Eisblume, 2001
16 Miles of String:
Pablo Picasso, Vase de fleurs, 1904; Peter Doig, Lemons, 1989