16 Miles of String: The Realist Regiment
16 Miles of String: The Abstract Regiment
16 Miles of String: The Abstract Regiment
16 Miles of String: Anoka Faruqee, partial view of Freehand Fade to Gray Green Ground, 2007; Roger White, Gubbinal (First Version), 2011; Justin Adian.
16 Miles of String: Anoka Faruqee, partial view of Freehand Fade to Gray Green Ground, 2007; Roger White, Gubbinal (First Version), 2011
16 Miles of String: Justin Adian; Patricia Treib, Armless Sleeve, 2010
16 Miles of String: Nicola Verlato, IF, 2011; Alison Blickle, Admonition For Travelers, 2010
16 Miles of String: Eric White, The One, 2004; Tom Sanford, Perkus Tooth, 2010-11
16 Miles of String: Tom Sanford, Perkus Tooth, 2010-11; Nicola Verlato, IF, 2011; Alison Blickle, Admonition For Travelers, 2010
16 Miles of String: Eric White, The One, 2004; Tom Sanford, Perkus Tooth, 2010-11