16 Miles of String: Rob Pruitt, Espirit de Corps..., 2010
16 Miles of String: Monica Bonvicini, White, 2003
16 Miles of String: Rob Pruitt, Espirit de Corps..., 2010
16 Miles of String: Rob Pruitt, Espirit de Corps..., 2010
16 Miles of String: Matt Sheridan Smith, Silver Bread, 2010
16 Miles of String: Josephine Meckseper, Mobil 5000, 2010; Josephine Meckseper, American Leg, 2010
16 Miles of String: David Adamo, Four, 2008
16 Miles of String: Martin Soto Climent, Parabolic Dust, 2008
16 Miles of String: David Adamo, Four, 2008
16 Miles of String: Grayson Revoir, Mummy Bag, 2010
16 Miles of String: Grayson Revoir, Romantic Sarcophagus, 2010
16 Miles of String: Grayson Revoir, Romantic Sarcophagus, 2010
16 Miles of String: Grayson Revoir, Table Fornication, 2010
16 Miles of String: Grayson Revoir, Picnic, 2010
16 Miles of String: Grayson Revoir, Picnic, 2010
16 Miles of String: Rita Ackermann, TICTACTOE, 2009
16 Miles of String: Peter Coffin, Sculpture Silhouette (Moai Easter Island Head, circa 1250–1500), 2009
16 Miles of String: Peter Coffin, Sculpture Silhouette (M. Cattelan “Love Lasts Forever," 1999), 2010
16 Miles of String: Peter Coffin, Sculpture Silhouette (M. Cattelan “Love Lasts Forever," 1999), 2009
16 Miles of String: Jessica Houston
16 Miles of String: Sterling Ruby, 4 Stack of Leather Husbands, 2009
16 Miles of String: Uri Aran, Untitled, 2007
16 Miles of String: Ryan Kitson, Floor, Plank, 2 Balls (Orange, Green), 2010; Ryan Kitson, Floor, Plank, Ball, 2010
16 Miles of String: Brendan Fowler, May, 2010 (Accident/The Wood That Fell On Me In Studio May 20 2010 #'s 6–8) Wall, 2010; Martin Creed, Work no. 915, 2008
16 Miles of String: Davis Rhodes, Untitled, 2010
16 Miles of String: Polly Apfelbaum, Miss America, 2010