Inha Leex Hale: toaster0371
Inha Leex Hale: holytoast
Inha Leex Hale: routine maintenance
Inha Leex Hale: recycle robot
Inha Leex Hale: the crew plus some random dude
Inha Leex Hale: dan n jess
Inha Leex Hale: wired-shoot-polaroid-test
Inha Leex Hale: wired-ailab-event
Inha Leex Hale: Pinky, foam prototype for biped robot M2.
Inha Leex Hale: IMG_1852-side
Inha Leex Hale: opening night
Inha Leex Hale: not glass
Inha Leex Hale: in south boston warehouse
Inha Leex Hale: IMG_2317
Inha Leex Hale: IMG_2309
Inha Leex Hale: IMG_1056-sf-foot
Inha Leex Hale: main_asm3lights
Inha Leex Hale: dscn0845
Inha Leex Hale: collision1 flyer
Inha Leex Hale: 2009-03-31-oneminuteperday
Inha Leex Hale: quartet at aec
Inha Leex Hale: bit.reflection prototype
Inha Leex Hale: mirco.perpendiculars
Inha Leex Hale: i voted
Inha Leex Hale: iterations
Inha Leex Hale: the doodle doodle
Inha Leex Hale: tv 2.0, twvee, 2 way television doodle
Inha Leex Hale: 2009-02-16-oneminuteperday