sixeight: bricks
sixeight: jimmy Jr
sixeight: twins
sixeight: Gawanus Canal Piling
sixeight: Beware of Dogs
sixeight: gray on gray
sixeight: Squares 2
sixeight: Squares
sixeight: Window 2
sixeight: Window
sixeight: keep away
sixeight: White Out
sixeight: Tank
sixeight: Savannah Railroad Museum
sixeight: Savannah Railroad Museum
sixeight: Savannah Railroad Museum
sixeight: Piling in the Sun
sixeight: Brooklyn Bridge
sixeight: Queens boro bridge
sixeight: fly away
sixeight: no where to go
sixeight: zig zig zig zag
sixeight: industrial_sunset
sixeight: industrial_sunset2
sixeight: industrial_sunset3
sixeight: tracks/tanks
sixeight: shine a light...
sixeight: the end of the picnic