kovys_mama: racing the herding dog
kovys_mama: kovy likes bikes too
kovys_mama: awwww!
kovys_mama: give him the stick... DON'T give him the stick!
kovys_mama: profile
kovys_mama: lightnin'
kovys_mama: bumble
kovys_mama: snarls barkley
kovys_mama: snarls barkley
kovys_mama: auntie b, trying to get him to join her for a walk
kovys_mama: is that andy over there?
kovys_mama: it IS andy!!!
kovys_mama: auntie julie, kissing my boo. or something like that. who knows what's going on here.
kovys_mama: morning stretches
kovys_mama: 'ol glove face
kovys_mama: cavorting with canines for once
kovys_mama: justin's new-random-dog-friend-pillow