kovys_mama: debating taking the plunge, perhaps?
kovys_mama: big-city lad
kovys_mama: gav-tron
kovys_mama: kovy's lazy days at castaways
kovys_mama: ramirez
kovys_mama: nice!
kovys_mama: i love these two
kovys_mama: epic kovy
kovys_mama: kov-zilla
kovys_mama: is he really in chicago?
kovys_mama: dog in the city
kovys_mama: glamour shots!
kovys_mama: epic friends
kovys_mama: tongue and fake background?
kovys_mama: gavin and le boo
kovys_mama: mallory
kovys_mama: logan and mallory
kovys_mama: wheelbarrow races!
kovys_mama: broken wheelbarrow and mallory
kovys_mama: girls at margie's!
kovys_mama: sasquatch!
kovys_mama: cutie-mcgee
kovys_mama: logan's feet grew REAL big
kovys_mama: the pony show begins...