six28fifty: Japanese iris
six28fifty: Color study
six28fifty: Japanese iris 2
six28fifty: Iris with buds
six28fifty: Reflection
six28fifty: Yellow flags
six28fifty: Butterfly
six28fifty: Ready for my closeup
six28fifty: Hot pink
six28fifty: Pink water lily
six28fifty: pink water lily
six28fifty: Water lily
six28fifty: Hello Dahlia
six28fifty: Iris in blue
six28fifty: At pond side
six28fifty: Plants from another planet
six28fifty: Still life with succulents
six28fifty: Silver Blue
six28fifty: Froggie spews
six28fifty: Cactus in bloom
six28fifty: Bubbles chatting with petunias at poolside
six28fifty: Welcome to my world
six28fifty: Garden bubble
six28fifty: Find the hidden photographer
six28fifty: Tiny bubbles
six28fifty: Bubble pond
six28fifty: Redbud seed pods
six28fifty: Rose in a natural pose